commuter cups
Well, the last week has been devoted to much serious events, and I don't want to trivialize them, the family, or my feelings by posting them here. Suffice to say that hospital food, funerals, and family buffets afterwards are awful, and truly comfort food works, thank goodness for family, and familiarity.
Commuter cups.
I saw a commercial one time where the whold point of the sale was the placement of the coffee cup holder. Despite the incredible price of the car, a small country cost, it was specifically the commuter cup holder which sold the piece.
Not really a bad idea. I expect my engine to work, to be able to see through the windows, tires inflate, radio to function, and seats to protect me. So, yes, it IS about the small stuff that will bug the hell out of you when it doesn't work.
I am putting up with a lot in my car right now. Valentine's day I worked a dinner shift for fun (what else was I going to do?) and came home with shrimp and curry sauce from the chef. Tried to. It spilled, and so my car smells a bit like fish curry, coffee, and a LOT of febreze until I can get to it. There is more.
Last fall, it was broken into and the stupid and poor quality stereo was ripped out. The sound was not that good, I am not a connisseur of car music, I just want NPR and the news. So, despite the violation and generally pissed off attitude I had to the evil kids who did it, the lack of the music system did not shut me down. I needed the insurance money for tangible things like food. Yet, driving in a quiet car is like being in a straitjacket on wheels, I didn't like hearing the wheels in my own head obsessing. I needed sound. I went to Radio Shack and got for the amazing price of $14.95 a transistor radio...complete with pull out antenna. It fits just in the slot of the stolen radio. I pull it out, put it on the seat by me, and turn in NPR on my way to work. In a wierd way, I get a kick out of the idiocy of the scene. I feel like Annette Funicello in a beach blanket subaru movie....playing retro music when NPR is not warning me about the idiocy of our government.
Back to the commuter cups, after all my original thesis. I digress a lot. tough.
If the commuter cup holder had been ripped out however, I would probably have to get a new car. almost. I need that cup of coffee, and I am quite good at driving with one cup in my hand and navigating with one hand. Don't tell anyone. Yet, when I have slippery gloves on, or just need to put it down, I do need that slot. And here's the problem.
One is never enough. I need at least one cup for each day of the week, like those underwear you give kids who are pre school. I need a set, marked Monday , Tuesday, etc. Ultimately it would not matter which day I grabbed, in fact in a time warp way I would enjoy having a Friday cup on Monday.
The problem is, I take them to work, and carry them into my classroom, and then I forget them. My desk currently has three commuter cups on it, one a freebie from a bank, one from a food conference years ago in Minneapolis, and a red one I love which is now broken on the little thingy which keeps the lid closed. When all the cups are at work I then drive with good china, my favorite yellow mug, or something else for a few days until the clanking of my cups under the passenger seat reminds me to round all the little dogies up and bring them back to the range.
I think my commuter cup slot should have a voice. "Good morning Terrie, are you going to need me all day? Will you be leaving the cup here?" A nice, Italian voice, suitable for espresso. At the end of the day, the holder should say, "hi there, I know it was a long day, good to see you!" Absurd I know, but why not? If they can put talking cards with chips in them, why not my cup?
And while I am fantisizing about it, how about a cute little Frenchman in the back seat plying me with croissants and palmiers in the a.m., and a little cornichon and cheese to go with my French roast on the way home.
ah well, French press at the ready, coffee cup du jour for the a.m. on the counter. You are what you drink, and what you put your drink in. Tomorrow, my yellow mug, the rest are at work.
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