farmer's markets
Today I went with a girlfriend to the farmer's markets. It is side by side with the local artisenal hippie fair; a sort of Brigadoon of life which has fossilized from the 1960's Tie dye, glass bong jewelry, wretched jewelry in wire cages sits next to some spetacular artists who must crochet, stick, carve, whittle, and torch all winter in some yurt up in the mountains. I admire them and at the same time am somwehat tired of the stuff. But it is, like most codified ways of life, the Quakers, the Mennonites, the Krishnas, there; a part of the fabric of our society.
So, hopping across the street to the market. Most are direct farmers, and I support their coming into town to put up their stalls. I wish I could afford the luxuriant boquets of dephninnium, sturdy brilliant blue heads next to iris, lilies and foxglove and nicotia. ( always buy your poisons and pharmeceuticals with your bouquets)And, I don't have enough sun to be seduced by the tomato plants.
It was the wiry, stringy tap roots of the carrots and beets that caught my attention. I love fresh young carrots, these were displayed like a thicket, their roots all pointed out in a haphazard thatch, next to the striped beets and traditoinal beets with the two-tone leaves. The spring onions, morrels, and lush flagrantly sexy leaves of the red lettuce were a site.
I love vegetable shopping, it is so anticipatory. What can I make with them? I munch quietly on the beet greens as I walk around. I get vegetable lust and have written about it before. And, we were all there with our little baskets, totes, Kenyan water carriers, whole foods saved totes; I had my California grape tote bag from the lastcocnference. A little girl strawberry basket high was standing there eating them in front of her oblivious mother. My friend swooned over the goat cheese, bought pork and lamb from the butcher with a display case in his truck, and new eggs. We admired the various stands of farmers who sold script from their family farm where you could buy ahead, food for the summer. Wholesome lovely kids,happy home schooled Christian families with their farms, and thin emaciated rockers, older yuppie baby boomers, and driven runners were all clustered in a small block. We reeked of summer hopes and visions of picnics, balcony dinners and indolent lives.
I picked up some French radishes thin as a cigarello , a bunch of carrots only as big as my little fingers. I figured with the beets I got two dishes in one, including the greens. And the same with the Walla Walla new onions, salad tops and roasting bottoms. They look and smell heavenly in my fridge. The grape bag is hanging by my front door.
Yes it is a little expensive, but worth it. I was happy, it was a collective support, and the vegetables were right this minute from the farms nearby. I know the lamb producer, the pork producer, and the local baker. It was great. ANd so, I am out of budget the last week for the next two weeks, eating out, buying gas for myself and daughter, picking up a bit of music, and some wine.( well eating out lunch too, so I must watch this seduction.) But that is ok, I am fulfilled, I don't really need a stitch of food for 2 weeks, nor wine.
Tonight I had a plate of thin sliced white and pink radishes mixed with thin ovals of carrots. I dressed them with olive oil, salt and lemon pepper and ate them with my fingers, licking my fingertips. I sipped some Pinot Gris and now am having yogurt with vanilla on it. I had planned some beef breasolla, the air cured raw beef, sliced as thin as tissue paper for my protein. But I gobbled it up right off the butcher's paper when I came home. And finished the bittersweet chocolate bar as well. So, the peppery radishes, the sweet earthy carrots were a perfect entree.
Monday I plan to have a friend for dinner. I think I will roast the beets with a dash of rosemary, and have them with their tops and balsamic. I will plate up some more carrots and radishes with the lettuce greens, dressed with some sesame oil and onion slivers and fresh lemon thyme. I think I will go for eggs as the entree, either a simple omlette or slightly scrambled with a bit of cheese. No chicken, the two carcasses from last week are now stock made with ginger and parsnips.
This is fun, making up what I want and enjoying what my friend will think of it. No rules, just what I like, and how I like to eat.
And, I think I am on the way back to takikng care of myself. Summer looms and I am hopeful.
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